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- TF01
- 3,Get A Life!
- 4,by Marcus Priddey
- From what I can tell, or from what I have heard there are two groups
- of Star Trek fans. There are those like myself who enjoy Star Trek
- not only because it's a good show and good entertainment but also
- because it represents something we (as a race) could quite possibly
- acheive. But saying that we do recognise that it is only a television
- programme with several movie spin offs and do not take it too
- seriously.
- Then there's the other group who take fandom a little too far, at
- least in my opinion. These people are those that do not like (Star
- Trek) films merely because they do not conform to Gene Roddenberry's
- guidelines. They will admit that these films are good films in their
- own right, but they will absolutely refuse to enjoy them, perhaps
- because they make Starfleet out to be a military organisation
- (although it is quasi-military).
- Medals, in Star Trek VI for example. For some unknown reason these
- fans do not like medals. Why not? If I had done something brave, or
- spent countless years in service I'd want something to show for it
- whether it be a Victoria Cross, Congressional Medal of Honour or
- whatever. Nicholas Meyer seems to be slated precisely because he made
- his Star Trek films with a militaristic feel (Star Trek II was
- apparently a submarine movie set in space). So what? If it's good,
- and it fills theatres both the audiences and Paramount executives are
- going to be happy and sequels will be made - surely what we all want.
- It seems that anyone who clashes with Gene Roddenberry and presents a
- different perspective of his idea is going to get lynched. It's as
- though people are treating Gene as some sort of godlike creature.
- Well, he wasn't. He's human, just like the rest of us and people are
- going to disagree with him as they're only human too. People are
- going to disagree with this article, but that's okay because they're
- human as well and they have their own opinions too.
- These fans will also buy any Trek related piece of merchandise no
- matter how useless, flimsy or exuberantly over-priced (Franklin Mint/
- Hallmark items for example).
- Now, don't get me wrong - if you want to spend £200 on Leonard
- Nimoy's earpieces at a charity auction, then fine, the charity
- benefits which I find most laudable. But if you spend your hard
- earned money on say Franklin Mint's chess set (awfully sorry to pick
- on you FM, but you do spring to mind very easily), which is very nice
- to look at. But that's all you can do as the playing surface will be
- scratched by the pieces themselves. Now, when I buy a chess set I'd
- expect to play some chess with it, otherwise I'd take straight back
- and get a refund.
- Another example, I heard quite recently is this - you've all heard of
- the Star Trek card game, I'm sure. I was told however, about this one
- person who is unemployed, but paid £60 for a Picard card, a very rare
- card. Let's just examine that for a moment. These cards are no more
- that three inches by two and they have a picture and some writing on
- the front and Starfleet's symbol on the back. Very nicely done indeed
- with a probable total production cost of about a penny. Now you
- either get these cards in a starter pack for about £7.00 or booster
- packs for £2.00. So someone, somewhere along the line has paid no
- more that £7.00 for this Picard card (Pi'card even) and yet has sold
- it for £60.00. This is not only pure greed on behalf of the seller
- but also stupidity on the buyers side. I myself, collect the card
- game but I am unlikely to get any of the rarer cards because I will
- not pay the asking prices for those cards. I will gladly swap my
- spare cards for the equal amount in return but a refuse to pay any
- more than what the other person paid. "But it's Picard!" these "fans"
- might say. Yeah? So? It could be Anna Nicole Smith sans clothes
- smothered in chocolate ice cream for all I care. An eye for an eye,
- tooth for a tooth and card for a card.
- To these people I wholeheartedly agree with William Shatner when he
- said that controversial statement "Get a life!". Star Trek is ONLY
- fiction. It's not real. To Shatner it's just a job, a way of paying
- the bills - you don't get fans of bankers or insurance clerks, so why
- are actors any different?
- Enjoy your life. It's too precious to waste on mere entertainment no
- matter how good it might be. In fact, stop reading this, turn off
- your computer and look out of the window and REALLY look, and then
- come back and think about what you saw. Was it raining? Nature's
- worked really hard to bring that rain from the oceans, lakes and
- rivers. Was the sun shining? How many hues and shades could you see
- in nature's artistry. What was your spouse/partner doing? When was
- the last time you told them you loved them and REALLY meant it? Not
- got a partner? Then go and find someone!
- Of course, some people will say "Twaddle!" to what I've just written,
- but to those people I say, "I've got a hair lock from Jonathan Frakes
- I'm selling for £500.00!!!"